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Beširević, Violeta (2021) Making Sense of the Political Question Doctrine : The Case of Kosovo. Review of Central and East European law, 46 (1). pp. 91-130. ISSN 1573-0352

Beširević, Violeta (2020) Za koji život treba da se rodim : Rut Bejder Ginsberg (1933-2020). Pravni zapisi, 11 (2). pp. 685-692. ISSN 2217-2815

Beširević, Violeta (2018) "Uhvati me ako možeš" : osvrt na problem (ne)odgovornosti transnacionalnih korporacija zbog kršenja ljudskih prava. Pravni zapisi, 9 (1). pp. 21-42. ISSN 2217-2815

Beširević, Violeta and Papić, Tatjana (2017) From Sovereignty to Post-Sovereignty and Back : Some Reflections on Immigration and Citizenship Issues in the Perspective of Refugee "Crisis". Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, 29 (1). pp. 123-156. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2016) A jedan razlog menja sve : kontrola ustavnosti Briselskog sporazuma u svetlu doktrine političkog pitanja. Hereticus : časopis za preispitivanje prošlosti, 14 (1/2). pp. 127-151. ISSN 1451-5822

Beširević, Violeta (2016) Миф о судебной реформе в Сербии = The myth of judicial reform in Serbia. Сравнительное конституционное обозрение = Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie = Comparative Constitutional Review, 5 (114). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1812-7126

Beširević, Violeta and Trbović, Ana (2015) New Challenges of Democracy in Serbia : Global Governance in Local Perspective. European Review of Public Law = Revue Européenne de Droit Public = Revista Europea de Derecho Público = Europäische Zeitschrift des öffentlichen Rechts = Rivista Europea di Diritto Pubblico, 27 (1). pp. 435-481. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2014) "Governing without judges" - The politics of the Constitutional Court in Serbia. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 12 (4). pp. 954-979. ISSN 1474-2659

Beširević, Violeta (2013) Muke po Statutu: da li će jezička dogmatizacija Ustava ukinuti političku autonomiju Vojvodine? : prilog za javnu raspravu o ustavnosti i zakonitosti Statuta Vojvodine. Pravni zapisi, 4 (2). pp. 476-510. ISSN 2217-2815

Beširević, Violeta (2013) Ustav bez demosa : zašto Evropska unija (ipak) ima ustav. Pravni zapisi, 4 (1). pp. 27-61. ISSN 2217-2815

Beširević, Violeta and Marinković, Tanasije (2012) Serbia in "a Europe of Rights" : the Effects of the Constitutional Dialogue between the Serbian and European Judges. European Review of Public Law = Revue Européenne de Droit Public = Revista Europea de Derecho Público = Europäische Zeitschrift des öffentlichen Rechts = Rivista Europea di Diritto Pubblico, 24 (1). pp. 401-430. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2011) Ko se boji federalne Evrope? - kritički osvrt na "Lisabonsku" odluku Saveznog ustavnog Suda Nemačke. Pravni zapisi, 2 (1). pp. 53-79. ISSN 2217-2815

Beširević, Violeta (2010) End-of-life care in the 21st century : advance directives in universal rights discourse. Bioethics, 24 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 0269-9702

Beširević, Violeta (2010) Is reducing poverty a task of constitutional courts? Strani pravni život : teorija, zakonodavstvo, praksa, 54 (1). pp. 31-58. ISSN 0039-2138

Beširević, Violeta and Čavoški, Aleksandra (2009) Administration without Frontiers : Serbian Migration Law and Policy from the European Perspective. REVUE Européenne de Droit Public = European Review of Public Law = Eur. Zeitschrift des Öffentl. Rechts = Rivista Europea di Dirito, 21 (1). pp. 461-503. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2009) Dancing with the Judiciary : what Went Wrong with the Judicial Reform in Serbia? Revue Européenne de Droit Public = European Review of Public Law = Eur. Zeitschrift des Öffentl. Rechts = Rivista Europea di Dirito, 21 (4). pp. 1551-1576. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Basic Norms of Bioethics: Informed Consent in UNESCO Bioethics Declarations. The Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade : journal of legal and social sciences, 56 (3). pp. 257-265. ISSN 1452-6557

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Eutanasi, retten til en verdig død, og døende pasienter i Serbia. Omsorg, 25 (4). pp. 35-38. ISSN 0800-7489

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Pravo na dostojanstvenu smrt. Гласник Адвокатске коморе Војводине, 68 (12). pp. 527-541. ISSN 0017-0933

Beširević, Violeta (2008) The discourses of autonomy in international human rights law : has the age of a right to die arrived? Cuadernos constitucionales de la Cátedra Fadrique Furió Ceriol (62-63). pp. 19-34. ISSN 1135-0679

Beširević, Violeta (2008) The rocky waters of decentralisation in Serbia : the case of Vojvodina. Revue Européenne de Droit Public, 20 (4). pp. 1489-1513. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2007) The Gods Must be Crazy: does Constitution Speak about Bioethics. Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, 55 (3). pp. 110-132. ISSN 1452-6557

Beširević, Violeta (2007) The chronicle of constitutional law and jurisprudence : Serbia. Revue Européenne de Droit Public, 19 (4). pp. 1077-1101. ISSN 1105-1590

Beširević, Violeta (2006) Богови су пали на теме: о уставу и биоетици. Анали Правног факултета у Београду, 54 (2). pp. 205-229. ISSN 0003-2565

Beširević, Violeta (1993) Кривични закон СР Југославије : измене и правци будуће реформе. Izbor sudske prakse, 1 (9/10). pp. 5-9. ISSN 0354-3226

Beširević, Violeta (1989) Odgovornost za privredne prestupe i prekršaje prema odredbama Zakona o preduzećima. Savremena praksa : list za privredna i pravna pitanja radnih organizacija, 24 (1296). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0036-5173

Book Section

Beširević, Violeta (2024) Легализација еутаназије код нас и у свету : еволуција, револуција или status quo? In: Контроверзе у медицини / уредник Душица Лечић Тошевски. САНУ, Београд, pp. 27-53. ISBN 978-86-6184-016-6

Beširević, Violeta (2023) Militant democracy : a friend or enemy of democratic backsliding? In: Research Handbook on the Politics of Constitutional Law / edited by Mark Tushnet, Dimitry Kochenov. Research Handbooks in Law and Politics series . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 671-673. ISBN 978-1-83910-163-2

Beširević, Violeta (2022) Militant Democracy and Populism : a response to Tom Ginsburg and Aziz Huq. In: PRAVO i društvo : liber amicorum Josip Kregar / urednici Đorđe Gardašević, Viktor Gotovac, Siniša Zrinščak. Biblioteka Zbornici . Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 133-160. ISBN 978-953-270-159-3

Beširević, Violeta (2022) Political Question Doctrine. In: Encyclopedia of the philosophy of law and social philosophy / editors, Mortimer Sellers, Stephan Kirste. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-94-007-6730-0

Beširević, Violeta (2022) Thinking outside the politics box : framing a judicial role in shaping militant democracy in the European Union. In: COURTS and judicial activism under crisis conditions : policy making in a time of illiberalism and emergency constitutionalism / edited by Martin Belov. Routledge, New York, pp. 74-98. ISBN 978-1-032-06082-8

Beširević, Violeta (2022) The fora for justice : some reflections on peacebuilding and reconciliation from the perpective of the Nuremberg and the ICTY trials. In: Liber amicorum : Károly Bárd. Vol. 2 : constraints on government and criminal justice / edited by Petra Bárd, 2022. L'Harmattan, Budapest, pp. 54-64. ISBN 978-963-414-844-9

Beširević, Violeta (2021) Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia (Ustavni sud Republike Srbije). In: MAX Planck encyclopedia of comparative constitutional law [Elektronski izvor] / Rainer Grote, Frauke Lachenmann, Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds.). - El. enciklopedija. -. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Beširević, Violeta (2020) Pigeonholing Human Rights in International Investment Arbitration : a Claim or a Defense? In: HUMAN rights in the 21st century / Tibor Várady and Miodrag Jovanović (eds.). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 233-254. ISBN 978-94-6236-993-1

Beširević, Violeta (2020) A Short History of Brexit. In: NOMOPHYLАX : зборник радова у част Срђана Шаркића / уредници Тамара Илић и Марко Божић. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union, Službeni glasnik, Београд, pp. 621-645. ISBN 978-86-7952-038-8

Beširević, Violeta (2019) If Schmitt Were Alive ... Adjusting Constitutional Review to Populist Rule in Serbia. In: New Politics of Decisionism / Violeta Beširević (ed.). Democracy and the Rule of Law / Miodrag A. Jovanović (8). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 193-207. ISBN 978-94-6236-897-2

Beširević, Violeta and Papić, Tatjana (2017) Immigration and integration by adjudication in Europe : state sovereignty under challenge. In: MIGRANTS in 21st Century Europe : proceedings of the International Conference held on 5-6 May 2017 / editor Tibor Várady = Мигранти у Европи 21. века : зборник радова са Научног скупа одржаног 5-6. маја 2017. / уредник Тибор Варади. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi Sad, pp. 101-133. ISBN 978-86-81125-94-6

Beširević, Violeta (2016) Mission (im)possible - defending the right to die. In: Fundamental rights : justification and interpretation / Kenneth Einar Himma & Bojan Spaić (eds.). Democracy and the rule of law / series editor Miodrag A. Jovanović (6). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 149-177. ISBN 978-94-6236-656-5

Beširević, Violeta (2016) Troubles with the European Public Sphere : What Has European Citizenship Got to Do with it? In: L'espace public européen en question = Questioning the European Public Sphere : an Historical and Methodological Approach / Corinne Doria & Gérard Raulet (dir./eds.). Peter Lang Publishing Group, Bruxelles, pp. 57-75. ISBN 978-2-87574-288-9

Beširević, Violeta (2015) Constitutional Review in a Democratic Deficit Setting : The Case of the European Union. In: Constitutional review and democracy / Miodrag Jovanović (ed.). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 83-107. ISBN 978-94-6236-512-4

Beširević, Violeta (2015) Institucionalizacija i "devitalizacija" militantne demokratije u Srbiji : slučaj zabrane udruženja. In: Ustavi u vremenu krize: postjugoslovenska perspektiva : zbornik radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije, (Beograd, 27-29. septembar 2014.) / uredili Milan Podunavac, Biljana Đorđević. Univerzitet, Fakultet političkih nauka, Udruženje za političke nauke Srbije, Beograd, pp. 151-172. ISBN 978-86-84031-78-7

Beširević, Violeta and Trbović, Ana (2015) New Challenges to Democracy in Serbia - Global Governance in Local Perspective. In: New Challenges to Democracy = Nouveaux défis à la démocratie. 2308-8648, 116 . European Public Law Organization, Athens, pp. 435-481. ISBN 978-618-81949-1-5

Beširević, Violeta (2014) The Constitution in the European Union : The State of Affairs. In: EUROPEAN constitutionalism : historical and contemporary perspectives / Alexandre Dupeyrix & Gérard Raulet (eds.). Euroclio, ISSN 0944-2294 (83). P. I. E. Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 15-35. ISBN 978-2-87574-192-9

Beširević, Violeta (2013) Уставно судство у земљама у транзицији : лекције из упоредног права. In: Зборник радова / Округли сто Улога и значај Уставног суда у очувању владавине права 1963-2013., Београд, 2013. године ; [организатори Уставни суд Србије, Правни факултет Универзитета, Српско удружење за уставно право ; приредила Боса М. Ненадић]. Београд : Уставни суд, pp. 268-289. ISBN 978-86-6297-006-0

Sandor, J. and Beširević, Violeta and Demeny, E. and Tudor Florea, C. and Codreanu, N. (2013) Organ Trafficking, Organ Trade : Recommendations for a more Nuanced Legal Policy. In: The EULOD Project Living Organ Donation in Europe / editors F. Ambagtsheer, W. Weimar. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, pp. 147-174. ISBN 978-3-89967-858-1

Beširević, Violeta (2013) Ubiti pticu rugalicu? Militantna demokratija u jurisprudenciji Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. In: Militantna demokratija : nekada i sada / uredila Violeta Beširević; 2013. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union : Službeni glasnik, Beograd, pp. 87-122. ISBN 978-86-519-1566-9

Beširević, Violeta (2012) Bioethics in Democracy : Transforming the Clash of Absolutes into Human Rights Issues. In: Bioethik, Medizin, Politik : Beiträge des 6. Südosteuropäischen Bioethik-Forums, Belgrad 2010 = Bioethics, medicine, poltitics [i.e. politics] : proceeedings of the 6th Southeast European Bioethics Forum, Belgrade 2010 / Walter Schweidler (Hrsg.). Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, pp. 79-89. ISBN 978-3-89665-568-4

Beširević, Violeta (2012) Nova podela vlasti : (tajni) život demokratskog deficita u kontekstu zaključivanja međunarodnih ugovora. In: Parlamentarna praksa : uvodni referati, članci i prilozi o unapređivanju kvaliteta zakonodavnog postupka sa težištem na nomotehniku i na uticaj međunarodnog prava na zakonodavni postupak u Republici Srbiji / [urednice Marijana Pajvančić, Aleksandra Pop. Fondacija Konrad Adenauer, Regionalni program Pravna država Jugoistočna Evropa, Beograd, pp. 81-103. ISBN 978-86-86661-54-8

Beširević, Violeta (2012) A Short Guide to Militant Democracy - Some Remarks on the Strasbourg Jurisprudence. In: European yearbook on human rights 2012 / ed. by Wolfgang Benedek ... [et al.] ; associate ed.: Matthias C. Kettemann. Intersentia ; Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Antwerp ; Wien, pp. 243-257. ISBN 978-1-78068-103-0

Beširević, Violeta (2012) Transitional Constitutionalism in Serbia - Is the Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? In: Public Law in Serbia : Twenty Years After / edited by Violeta Beširević. European public law series = Bibliothèque de droit public européen, ISSN 2308-8648 (101). Esperia Publications : European Public Law Organization, London ; Athens, pp. 23-55. ISBN 1-904673-89-9

Beširević, Violeta (2010) Constitutional aspects of Serbia's Accession into the EU. In: Serbia and European Union / edited by Duško Dimitrijević and Miroslav Antevski. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 35-53. ISBN 978-86-7067-129-4

Beširević, Violeta (2010) Ultima ratio u suzbijanju trgovine ljudima: međunarodni i nacionalni krivično-pravni standardi gonjenja i kažnjavanja. In: Suzbijanje trgovine ljudima : dobre prakse : priručnik za institucije / [autori Đorđe Alempijević ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 48-57. ISBN 978-86-84889-13-5

Beširević, Violeta (2009) Unlocking Human Cloning: Does a Constitution Help? In: Perfect copy? : law and ethics of reproductive medicine / edited by Judit Sándor. Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, Budapest, pp. 97-116. ISBN 978-963-9776-75-3

Anđelković, Marija and Beširević, Violeta and Đurašković, Mitar and Nikolić-Garotić, Snežana and Vukasović, Tatjana (2008) HERA - network for combating human trafficking in Central and Southeastern Europe : Republic of Serbia. In: HERA : Network for Combating Human Trafficking in Central and Southern Europe. European public law series = Bibliothèque de droit public européen, ISSN 2308-8648 (91). Esperia Publications, London, pp. 555-693. ISBN 1-904673-67-8

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Član 11 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 293-295. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Član 14 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 309-310. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Član 6 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 147-160. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Član 7 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 234-236. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Član 8 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 240-242. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Članovi 1-5 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 65-89. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Članovi 12 i 13 Protokola za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom. In: Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji / [autorke Marija Anđelković ... et al.]. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd, pp. 303-304. ISBN 978-86-84889-06-7

Beširević, Violeta (2006) Socio-economic rights in the Constitution for Europe: between symbolism and legal realism. In: Re-thinking Socio-Economic Rights in an Insecure World / edited by Nsongurua Udombana and Violeta Beširević. CEU Center for Human Rights, Budapest, pp. 37-48. ISBN 963-86569-8-0

Beširević, Violeta (2003) Towards a Common Future : Perspectives for Future Cooperation in Southeastern and Central Europe. In: EUROPE Bound : faultlines and frontlines of security in the Balkans / edited by Jody Jensen. Savaria University Press, Szombathely, pp. 207-220. ISBN 963-9438-16-2


Beširević, Violeta, ed. (2019) NEW Politics of Decisionism. Eleven International Publishing, The Hague. ISBN 978-94-6236-897-2

Beširević, Violeta and Popović, Dragoljub M. and Leskoviku, Migena and Marinković, Tanasije (2018) Studija o primeni prakse Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u upravnim sporovima. Regionalna škola za javnu upravu - ReSPA, Danilovgrad. ISBN 978-9940-37-025-1

Beširević, Violeta and Popović, Dragoljub M. and Leskoviku, Migena and Marinković, Tanasije (2017) STUDY on the Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights Applicable in Administrative Disputes. Regional School of Public Administration - ReSPA, Danilovgrad. ISBN 978-9940-37-017-6

Beširević, Violeta, ed. (2013) Militantna demokratija : nekada i sada. Pravna biblioteka. Edicija Ustav i ustavni koncepti . Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union : Službeni glasnik, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-519-1566-9

Beširević, Violeta, ed. (2012) Public Law in Serbia : Twenty Years After. European public law series = Bibliothèque de droit public européen, ISSN 2308-8648, 101 . Esperia Publications ; European Public Law Organization, London ; Athens. ISBN 1-904673-89-9

Beširević, Violeta (2006) Euthanasia : legal principles and policy choices. European Press Academic Publishing, Florence. ISBN 88-8398-037-9

Udombana, Nsongurua and Beširević, Violeta, eds. (2006) RE-thinking Socio-Economic Rights in an Insecure World. CEU Center for Human Rights, Budapest. ISBN 963-86569-8-0

Teaching Resource

Beširević, Violeta (2023) Osnovi ustavnog prava Еvropske unije. [Teaching Resource]

Beširević, Violeta (2020) Izabrane lekcije iz predmeta Pravo Evropske unije - za školsku 2019/2020. [Teaching Resource]

Degan, Vladimir-Đuro and Pavišić, Berislav and Beširević, Violeta (2011) Međunarodno i transnacionalno krivično pravo. [Teaching Resource]


Beširević, Violeta (2021) O pandemiji, populizmu, novom broju i novom uredništvu. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2021) Легализација еутаназије код нас и у свету : еволуција, револуција или status quo? : предавање одржано 03. новембра 2021. године у Београду у организацији Српске академије наука и уметности. Beograd. (Unpublished)

Beširević, Violeta (2019) Prof. dr Dušan Kitić (1955-2019) - [in memoriam]. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2019) Studija o usklađenosti prava Republike Srbije sa pravnim tekovinama Evropske unije u oblasti borbe protiv trgovine ljudima. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2019) Study on Compatibility of the Law of the Republic of Serbia with EU Acquis Communautaire in the Area of Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2018) Deterrence or Deference? - The Constitutional Court under the Rise of Populism in Serbia - Izlaganje na konferenciji Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law, International Society of Public Law (ICON.S), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Jun, 25-27, 2018. International Society of Public Law (ICON.S), The University of Hong Kong,, Hong Kong. (Unpublished)

Beširević, Violeta (2018) The Draft Amendments to the Serbian Constitution : Populism before Judicial Independence., Berlin.

Beširević, Violeta (2018) Pigeonholing Human Rights in International Investment Arbitration: a Claim or Defence? SANU, Belgrade.

Beširević, Violeta and Carić, Slavoljub and Draškić, Marija and Đerić, Vladimir and Ilić, Goran and Janković, Ivan and Korljan, Edo and Krstić, Ivana and Marinković, Tanasije and Papić, Tatjana and Popović, Dragoljub M. (2017) Komentar Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. Službeni glasnik, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2017) Odnos međunarodnog i unutrašnjeg prava - osvrt na ustavna rešenja. Fondacija Centar za demokratiju, Beograd.

Radović, Ivana and Beširević, Violeta (2016) Monitoring i evaluacija zakonodavstva i politika suzbijanja trgovine ljudima i njihova implementacija u Republici Srbiji u 2014. i 2015. godini. ASTRA Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2015) Pravni aspekti donacije organa nakon eutanazije : predavanje održano 22.10.2015. u organizaciji Centra za bioetičke studije u saradnji sa Centrom za pravna istraživanja Instituta društvenih nauka u Beogradu. Centar za bioetičke studije, Institut društvenih nauka. Centar za pravna istraživanja, Beograd. (Unpublished)

Beširević, Violeta (2015) Put bez povratka? Od nacionalne države do globalnog konstitucionalizma : Lidija R. Basta Fleiner and Tanasije Marinković (Eds.) Key Developments in Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2014, 278 pages. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union, Beograd.

Ambagtsheer, Frederike and Noord, Marianvan and Zuidema, Willij C. and Beširević, Violeta (2013) EULOD: The EU-Funded Project on Living Organ Donation in Europe : [abstract]. Springer, Berlin ; Heidelberg.

Sandor, J. and Beširević, Violeta (2012) Improving the Effectiveness of the Organ Trade Prohibition in Europe. [s. n.], [s. l.].

Vukašinović, Vladimir and Varga, Vladislav and Jevtović, Đorđe and Beširević, Violeta and Tasić, Marija and Radovanović, Dragana (2011) Људска права терминално оболелих - пројекат: јавно заговарање за људска права терминално оболелих особа. Човекољубље, Добротворни фонд Српске православне цркве, Београд.

Anđelković, Marija and Radović, Ivana and Beširević, Violeta and Gligorić, Marijana and Vukasović, Tamara and Otašević, Olivera and Nikolić, Danijela and Wijers, Marjan (2011) Human Trafficking in the Republic of Serbia : report for the period 2000-2010. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Anđelković, Marija and Radović, Ivana and Beširević, Violeta and Gligorić, Marijana and Vukasović, Tamara and Otašević, Olivera and Nikolić, Danijela and Wijers, Marjan (2011) Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji : izveštaj za period 2000-2010. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2010) From Nuremberg to UNESCO : Informed Consent to Medical Treatment Exam. Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Katedra za društvene i humanističke znanosti u medicini, Rijeka.

Alempijević, Đorđe and Atanacković, Rajko and Beširević, Violeta and Banić, Milena and Elez, Snežana and Kljajić, Sanja and Martinovski, Željka and Slavković, Biljana and Žarković, Milan (2010) Suzbijanje trgovine ljudima - dobre prakse - priručnik za institucije. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2010) Правни записи, Vol. I (1) (ур. Зоран Ивошевић, Владимир Водинелић), Правни факултет Универзитета Унион у Београду (ПФУУБ), Београд 2010, 310 стр. Гласник Адвокатске коморе Војводине, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Country Reports on Advance Directives : Serbia. Institute of Biomedical Ethics, Zürich.

Beširević, Violeta (2008) Medical Global Challenges : Should International Law Enforce Euthanasia? International Association of Bioethics, Rijeka.

Anđelković, Marija and Beširević, Violeta and Vukasović, Tamara and Ilić, Neda and Otašević, Olivera and Radović, Ivana (2008) Trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Serbia : report for the period 2001-2007. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Anđelković, Marija and Beširević, Violeta and Vukasović, Tamara and Ilić, Neda and Otašević, Olivera and Radović, Ivana (2008) Trgovina ljudima u Republici Srbiji : izveštaj za period 2001-2007. godine. ASTRA - Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima, Beograd.

Beširević, Violeta (2007) Abuse: the Dark Side of Fundamental Rights, Utrecht, 2006. Правни факултет, Beograd.

Rakić-Vodinelić, Vesna and Nikolić, Oliver and Beširević, Violeta and Gajin, Saša (2002) Kompatibilnost jugoslovenskog prava : sa odredbama Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima. Beograd : Savet Evrope, Beogradska kancelarija : Savezno ministarstvo pravde.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 07:45:55 2025 CET.